Figure Skating

I decided to get involved one more time in a campaign against bullying, in particular bullying against children who figure skate. This problem is serious because some kids who are bullied end up committing suicide. Others feel that they have to hide the fact they do this sport because they’re afraid they will become a laughing stock at school. Anybody can play sports but, in the case of a negative bias towards figure skating, I blame parents and the education system again. This is what I plan to do in my fight against bullying. Since participating in the program Battle of the Blades on CBC, I became a true figure skating fan. I watch all the competitions on TV and I can finally appreciate the true value of this wonderful sport. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Figure skating is a more physically and mentally challenging sport than hockey and I'm speaking as a former heavy weight hockey player who spent 13 years in the NHL. During the six months I figure skated on Battle of the Blades, I sustained more injuries than during the 13 years I spent fighting and playing hockey. Once the program ended, I participated as a volunteer to some fifty figure skating pairs shows in Canada. I wanted to show all the guys that there is nothing wrong with this sport and that you are not a lesser human being in doing so. I will keep on doing shows at the request of figure skating clubs. This will be my contribution to resolve this problem and let’s hope that, in the future, our Canadian female skaters will not have to look for partners outside of the country. Sometimes, it is not enough to be heard. Actions speak louder than words! You will find below the different numbers I executed in these shows..